Register your interest in International University Visits for Research Technical Professionals
UK RAS STEPS is excited to announce that we are planning to organise visits to international universities, giving RTPs a unique opportunity to see how other labs operate. The focus for the first visit will be on soft robotics in Singapore, but future trips will cover a variety of other cutting-edge topics.
These visits will include a mix of informative talks and lab tours, providing valuable insights into research and development practices across the globe. All costs for these visits will be covered by UK RAS STEPS.
To ensure the visits are scheduled at the most convenient time for participants, we are currently gathering Expressions of Interest (EoIs). Please let us know what time of year works best for you by advising on suitable date parameters.
To register your interest and share your preferred dates, please email
We look forward to hearing from you and hope to offer an enriching experience in the near future.